North Island Saddlebacks
68.6 x 52.1 cm
est. $18,000 - 22,000
Provenance: Purchased from International Art Centre 1980.
Private Collection, Queensland
Private Collection, Northland
Raymond Ching Paintings & Drawings, International Art Centre 1980
p. 110 Sketches and Studies of a Bird Painter, Raymond Ching and Errol Fuller, Landsdowne Editions 1981
Originally widespread in New Zealand's forests, the Saddleback already had begun to decline by the time Buller published his 1888 edition of A History of the Birds of New Zealand. The clearing of large areas of forest was a major factor in the reduction of numbers, but it has been suggested also that the bird is prone to unspecified avian diseases spread by species not native to the islands.
Whether the species can survive into the twenty first century could be doubtful. However, these birds have appeared to be on the verge of extinction for almost one hundred years now, and it may well be that New Zealand will lose other members of its avifauna before the Saddleback finally succumbs.
Text: Sketches and Studies of a Bird Painter Raymond Ching and Errol Fuller, Landsdowne Editions 1981