37. Alvin Pankhurst
Aldin Country - Triptych
est. $8,000 - 12,000
Aldin Country - Triptych
Mixed media on canvas
84 x 330 cm
Signed, inscribed & dated 1992
84 x 330 cm
est. $8,000 - 12,000
Fetched $6,500
Relative size
NFD Collection, Parnell, Auckland
Proceeds to The National Foundation for the Deaf Inc. www.nfd.org.nz
Mosaic pictures have pure colours and are amongst the world's oldest artworks. The modern computers are based on this ancient art form. The English replaced the stone with fibres and made fabulous tapestries. I have used pure acrylic paint to produce the tapestry in 3D using acrylic gel and modelling paste squeezed through a tube.
The original is 26,000 individually painted stitches panel one). The next one 300 times blown up and the last one 1000 times...perfection ALVIN PANKHURST
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