Good Morning City, Bleeding Town
84 x 55 cm
est. $4,000 - 6,000
Collection of Neville Price, Architect, Auckland
Purchased in Auckland 1971
Hundertwasser's revision of the Good Morning City
edition, in the late summer of 1970 resulted in 10
more colour variants of 200 impressions each. Every
run of 200 was again subdivided into four variants of
50 each, which brings Good Morning City - Bleeding
Town to a total of 80 variants. For Hundertwasser this
meant an enormous effort. Phosphorescent colours
were again used. An ingenious device of rubber
layers developed by Alberto della Vecchia and Lino
Coin in the Studio Quattro allowed metal drops to be
embossed. Convex shaped, they stand out in relief
and undoubtedly led to a new kind of surface effect
in serigraphy.
Hundertwasser: The Complete Graphic Work
1951-1986, Walter Koschatzky, 1986