Still Life with Cathedral
48 x 61 cm
est. $2,000 - 3,000

Estate of Frederick and Evelyn Page, Wellington
Freddy and Eve Page were among MacDiarmids' closest life long friends and persuasive older influences from his Christchurch university and military days in the 1940s their relationship continued through their children, whom Douglas and composer Douglas Lilburn used to babysit at Governors Bay, on Lyttleton Harbour. Fred was Douglas' inspirational music professor at Christchurch College where he was studying music with a view to maybe becoming a concert pianist (the war took care of that); Evelyn introduced Douglas to his first palette of colours that set him on his painting career. They often painted together often in his Christchurch years and she was a generous guide and mentor. The Page's sold a number of MacDiarmids works privately among their wide creative circles to keep him afloat during his early years in France. Colours of a Life, the Life and Times of Douglas MacDiarmid, Anna Cahill, 2018