Portrait of Frances
43.7 x 35.5 cm

Paul & Kerry Barber Collection
America's Cup Art Auction,
Dunbar Sloane 04/12/2002
Over the course of her career, Evelyn Page painted many portraits - tender, inquisitive portrayals of family members, friends and contemporaries. Many of these works are noted for their directness and freedom of painted expression.
In Portrait of Frances, Page observes her sitter gently, in an undemanding way. The pose does not feel contrived, nor is Frances being compelled to look out or engage with the viewer. Her face is presented from a slightly higher angle than she is sitting, and in profile.
The question of whether she's deep in thought, or simply gazing off into the distance, creates some emotional distance from the viewer as we attempt to connect with her.
Page has arranged an almost abstract interplay of form and colour around Frances' face and this presents as a direct, aura-like reflection of her. In this portrait Page captures the spirit and energy of her subject.