Pink & White Terraces Rotomahana with Mount Tarawera Beyond
39 x 66 cm
est. $20,000 - 30,000

O-tū-kapua-rangi (fountain of the clouded sky) - The Pink Terrace
The Pink and White Terraces were formed by upwelling geothermal springs containing a cocktail of silica-saturated, near-neutral pH chloride water. These two world-famous springs were part of a group of hot springs and geysers, chiefly along an easterly ridge named Pinnacle Ridge (or the Steaming Ranges by Mundy). The main tourist attractions included Ngahapu, Ruakiwi, Te Tekapo, Waikanapanapa, Whatapoho, Ngawana, Koingo and Whakaehu.
The Pink and the White Terrace springs were around 1,200 metres apart. although the Pink Terrace also contained gold in ore-grade concentrations.
Te Tarata - the tattooed rock - The White Terrace
The White Terraces were at the north end of Lake Rotomahana and faced away from the lake at the entrance to the Kaiwaka Stream. They descended to the lake edge forty metres below. The additional sunlight received from facing north created their bleached white appearance. The White Terrace was the larger of the two formation, covering in excess of three hectares. They are reportedly the largest silica sinter deposits on earth.