Tawharanui Bird Sanctuary
107 x 183 cm

Simon Williams heads north from Auckland to the Tawharanui Bird Sanctuary, east of Warkworth on the Takatu Peninsula. This protected paradise provides a wonderful opportunity to see some of New Zealand's most beloved species such as bellbird, fantail, Kaka, Morepork, North Island Robin, Takahe and Kiwi. Here they thrive in their natural habitat where the air rings with birdsong. A destination guaranteed to trigger the creative and refresh the spirit.
This panoramic masterpiece looks across Anchor Bay to the Omaha and Matakana area, with Omaha Beach and Ti Point on the horizon. Deference is paid to the kingdom or birds with the inclusion of a tiny Fantail, a Tui in flight, a yellow-breasted Kingfisher and a gannet with wings outspread, master of all he surveys. As always, Simon Williams embraces his subject both intrinsically and artistically, the outcome is breathtaking.