Summer at Kohimarama Beach
45 x 112 cm

Summer fun at Kohimarama beach, one of the best spots in town, beloved by residents, visitors and early morning dog-walkers alike. Situated between Mission Bay and St Heliers, beaches strung like pearls along Auckland's Tamaki Drive, Kohimarama enjoys a quieter, spectacular beauty. The construction of Kohimarama Wharf in 1912 saw the opening the area's first business, a tearoom. This tradition of hospitality and catering flourishes today with Kohi Cafe, The Store and the Good Grocer.
Interestingly, from 1892 to 1919 the beach was often referred to as Jockey Bay and was used as a training ground for race horses. In 1919 the stables were moved to Ronaki Road, Mission Bay and the land leased to W.H Madill, a dairy farmer. Today, Madill's generous legacy provides playing fields and a green oasis for all to enjoy. In this joyous painting, Simon Williams paints present day Kohimarima Beach enjoyed by young and old alike, sheltered by Pohutakaw in bloom.