23. Vincenzo Coronelli 1650 - 1718
Map of New Zealand in 1642
est. $3,000 - 5,000
Map of New Zealand in 1642
Copperplate engraving, handcoloured published Venice 1696
39.5 x 29.5 cm
39.5 x 29.5 cm
est. $3,000 - 5,000
Fetched $3,500
Relative size
This rare map is the first published of New Zealand from the 1642 discoveries of Abel Tasman. Sailing from Mauritius, Tasman took possession of Tasmania. He was the first to sight land on the north west coast of the South Island, naming it Staten Landt. At the time of his voyage the existence of a large southern continent was assumed, with New Zealand as part of the north-western coastline. This myth was not dispelled until Cook's mapping of the coastline of New Zealand over one hundred years later.