80. Peter McIntyre
Rock Pool
Oil on board
90 x 125 cm
est. $24,000 - 32,000
Relative Size: Rock Pool
Relative size

Peter McIntyre was born in Dunedin in 1910 and educated at Otago Boys' High School and at the University of Otago. At the age of twenty he went to London to study at the Slade School of Art. Subsequent work included book illustrations and stage decoration.

At the outbreak of war he joined a New Zealand volunteer unit formed in London as an anti-tank battery, and served as a gunner in Egypt. McIntyre was commissioned by General Freyberg as Official New Zealand War Artist. In this capacity he served in Greece, Crete, North Africa and Italy.

In 1970, Queen Elizabeth awarded the Order of the British Empire to Peter McIntyre for his increasing success as an author and for his accomplishments in the fine art fields.

Publications include his illustrated autobiography, The Painted Years, Peter McIntyre's West, Peter McIntyre's Pacific, Peter McIntyre's New Zealand, Peter McIntyre's Wellington, Peter McIntyre: War Artist, McIntyre Country and Kakahi.
