85. Raymond Ching
Grey Teal Ducklings, 1980
72 x 52.5 cm
est. $12,000 - 16,000
Fetched $9,000
Relative Size: Grey Teal Ducklings, 1980
Relative size

Illustrated :

p. 76 Ray Harris-Ching Masters of the Wild, Jorney of an Artist, Carol Sinclair Smith, Gulf Publishing 1990

Reference :

Three teal ducklings add their patterns to the jumble of rocks and flow of water. They may be a little too obscure - I'm to pick out - but the water splashes down the stones looking wet enough and contrasts with the more quietly-flowing pools caught on each side Ray Harris-Ching Masters of the Wild, Jorney of an Artist, Carol Sinclair Smith, Gulf Publishing 1990
