Lattice #44
114 x 114 cm
est. $8,000 - 12,000

Private Collection, Auckland
Ex Fletcher Trust Collection
In 1978 Scott painted Lattice #44 and Lattice #45. Other than the size of the canvas, the works are identical in colour and composition, Lattice #45 won the Benson & Hedges Art Award in 1978 and features on p. 85 Ian Scott, Warwick Brown, Marsden Press 1997. It measures 1650 x 1650 and is in the collection of Dunedin Public Art Gallery
James Mollison, Director of the National Gallery of Australia and judge of the 1978 Benson & Hedges Art Award said he was looking for an artist who had set himself a task and achieved what he set out to do. All the elements, size, colour, tone and relationships of one colour to another were perfect in this respect. There is no corner-to-corner diagonal and fewer, broader bands
A thin delineating stripe has been introduced inside the band edge. Colours are less intense than in some other Lattices and the elements sit tight inside the frame, with less feeling of run-off. p. 84 Ian Scott, Warwick Brown, Marsden Press 1997