Chefs' Last Supper, 2003
81.3 x 127 cm

Private Collection, Auckland
Purchased from Sacha Lehrfreund London 2008
John Reardon is known for his series of portraits featuring chefs taken for the Observer Food Monthly. This particular commission, based on Leonardo's Last Supper is a fine example. The photograph is not a digital construct and was the only frame in which the brie cheese thrown by Marcus Wareing was captured hovering by chance for a fraction of a second over the head of chef Gordon Ramsay in the centre of the composition. The sitters were Tom Aikens, Raymond René Blanc, Michael Caines, Eric Chavot, Angela Hartnett, Atul Kochhar, Giorgio Locatelli, Shane Osborn, Gordon James Ramsay, the late Gary Rhodes and Michel Roux Jr.
Each sitter was offered one of the thirteen prints in the edition. One copy was acquired by the National Portrait Gallery, London and another by a private collector, the present owner.